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The Mad Friday Tea Party

4 May

3. Someone who understands what it is like to just NEED THAT COPY!! Thank You A Jane of All Reads!

2. Hogwarts Professor’s post about what people are reading now is worth the read. It is always nice to see what is on the YA and Fantasy radar. This girl is currently finishing GRACELING!

1. The girls at Forever Young Adult have done a series on Anne of Green Gables… This series is AMAZEBalls!

If you don’t know my love of this redhead…you don’t know me…

The Mad Friday Tea Party

13 Apr

Let’s get to partying!!! It’s been a hard week at school, but I have stumbled across some great articles and youtube parodies! I can’t wait until I have a better grip on my finals so that I can catch up on blog reading!!! Don’t forget to look at my blogroll! It is full of solid gold reading material!

5. The AV Club had an awesome discussion on whether or not dystopian stories need to elaborate on their backstories. Seeing on how frustrated I was with Delirium’s swiss cheese foundation, I found this very interesting. Enjoy all the references to Panem!

4. What could possibly be funnier than the HIPSTER HUNGER GAMES?


3. We have a short list of directors for Catching Fire!!! Alfonso Cuaron for the win!!!! Head over to the LA Times for more information!

2. I loved Maggie Stiefvater’s Scorpio Races , and I was VERY excited to see EW give us a taste of her new book, The Raven Boys! Enjoy the first two chapters here! Thank you EW’s Shelf Life!

1. Remember how I said the HIPSTER HUNGER GAMES were the best? Well…..Beanie Babies for the WIN!!! This is long but VERY WORTH YOUR TIME INVESTMENT!!!!


The Mad Friday Tea Party

6 Apr

This week, the New York Times paid special attention to Young Adult Literature! I invite you to join in on their very interesting and diverse discussion for this weeks Tea Party!!!

1. When Authors Take Risks 

2. Adults Should Read Adult Books 

3. Why Expect More From Teenagers Than Adults 

4. Social Media Has Fed The Fever 

5. Nothing Wrong With Strong Plot and Characters 

7. Young People Can See Themselves In Books 

So what do you think of the debate? Do you think Adults should only read adult books? Do you think YA authors are doing some daring work? Is social media “hijacking” YA lit?? Paint the ROSES!!!!!!

The Mad FRIDAY Tea Party: Hunger Games Special

30 Mar

It’s that time again!! Time for The Mad FRIDAY Tea Party! In honor of all the hoopla and craziness surrounding the release of The Hunger Games, I have decided to do a special Hunger Games themed Tea Party. There was just too much good stuff on the interwebs this week. Enjoy everyone!! If you are new, the Tea Party is just Alice’s favorite goodies from the blogosphere this week!

6. NSFW language, but sooo funny. This song just lends itself to parody.

5. The folks over at Kroq have a great article on why we should stop comparing Bella and Katniss. I am guilty of doing this (always in defense of Katniss and in frustration at those who DO compare the two and try to group the franchises together). Head over and give this great blog entry a read: Enough Comparing!!!

4. Are you tired of Ryan Gosling? I didn’t think so. I loved the feminist Ryan Gosling tumbler a few months back and have loved the other evolutions of it. How could I not love one devoted to the Hunger Games? Enjoy! 

3. Again, another song that lends itself to parody. My friend Ali has been singing this as, “We found love in a HOMELESS place for months. This was bound to happen.

This goes well with this video:

2. had an excellent article on what was missing in the movie. It lead to great discussion here on the blog and is worth a read. It’s funny how much your brain just puts back into the movie because you just assume it was in there. The Missing Pieces! 

1. If you have never read anything over at Hogwarts Professor, I am about to blow your mind. John Granger is…well…he is pretty much Dumbledore. He is THE Potter Scholar and is working hard on exploring the world of The Hunger Games. Do me a favor: have fun on his website. If he comes to speak near you: GO!! I got to see him in person at the JMU Symposium for Muggles where I gave a paper on Harry Potter and Religion and it was one of the best talks I have heard (his, not mine-…I was ok, brush my shoulders off). I have his books and they are all just great for serious readers in the YA field. Ok–so obviously I am a John Granger dork–but this man is really brilliant when it comes to YA lit and religion. Le sigh. If I could only get him on my dissertation committee in a few years (almost done with coursework–one more semester–WHOHO!!!). His post on the Hunger Games movie and the concept of hijacking made my WEEK!! ENJOY!

As a bonus: I know I have posted it here before, but this spoof of the Hunger Games always makes me laugh.

Side NOTE: I was tempted to put up the Jezebel article on Racism and Rue and decided not to. Here are my reasons. 1) It is out there and has been addressed and the people have already been ridiculed and persecuted for it. We know there is crazy racism that is still alive and well in our country and it broke my heart (and hopefully yours) to see it come out even in reference to the Hunger Games. IT HAS TO STOP 2) Most of the people on that tumbler were very young (think middle school). They do need to be taught about racism and intolerance–but not by shaming them on a national platform. That is bullying. I am not sure that snarking them online is how we get about teaching them. It is so dangerous and fits well into the description of cyber bullying. I in NO WAY condone what they said but I have very strong feelings with the online communities snarktastic attitude afterwards. Some articles were great (addressing issues in Hollywood and the media and whitewashing, but some were just horrible).

Lets just work at building a better world that is color blind and overflowing with people LIKE RUE.

The Mad FRIDAY Tea Party

23 Mar

I wanted to start a new type of post on Fridays! I read quite a few of the YA literature blogs (way toooooooo many and not nearly enough) and thought I would post my top three favorite posts of the week in a Friday roundup called the The Mad FRIDAY Tea Party! This is an easy way to share what I have been reading and to share with you how great the YA literature blog world is! So here we go! My favorite posts of the week!

3. Clockwork Reverie’s review of Shatter Me blew me away. I have been following her on goodreads and I can honestly say this is one of the best reviewers I have ever read. This is one of her older reviews but it is just an example of how great her work is. She is brutally honest, dynamic, thorough, and just so smart.  She is also funny. I like funny when being sarcastic about a crappy book. That is the only way to go really…..

2. The ladies of Love Ya Lit commenting on 5th Annual Audiobook Tournament (at  made my day. Brent and I are audiobook junkies and sometimes feel like we are the only ones….. We even have favorite narrators (Jim Dale anyone?). This is like March Madness for me. Thanks for letting me know!!!!

1. Forever Young Adult takes the number one spot with their amazeballs drinking game for the Hunger Games movie. My friends and I have decided to wait until the DVD release to try this gem (mostly because we probably would have drunkenly “hunger-gamesed” some screaming tweens at our midnight showing while simultaneously heckling the Twilight trailer) but I love them for this. POUR ONE OUT FOR RUE made me die laughing and secretly shed a tear and reminisce about Dobby for some reason!