Tag Archives: Harvard Lampoon

The Hunger Pains

21 Feb

The Hunger Games. The Harvard Lampoon

Title: The Hunger Pains

Author: The Harvard Lampoon

Publisher: Simon and Schuster

Date: February 7, 2012

Pages: 176 pages

Genre: Young Adult, Spoof, Dystopian, Comedy

ISBN: 978-1-4516-6820-9

Publisher Description:  When Kantkiss Neverclean replaces her sister as a contestant on the Hunger Games—the second-highest-rated reality TV show in Peaceland, behind Extreme Home Makeover—she has no idea what to expect. Having lived her entire life in the telemarketing district’s worst neighborhood, the Crack, Kantkiss feels unprepared to fight to the death while simultaneously winking and looking adorable for the cameras. But when her survival rests on choosing between the dreamy hunk from home, Carol Handsomestein, or the doughy klutz, Pita Malarkey, Kantkiss discovers that the toughest conflicts may not be found on the battlefield but in her own heart . . . which is unfortunately on a battlefield. from (Amazon.com)

Alice says: Love it!!!

So….I don’t think there is much to say about Harvardl Lampoon. This was hysterical. It is a fun, fast read for any Hunger Games fan. I read their Nightlight  parody of Twilight a few years ago and was not let down by this new attempt at sheer mockery of YA lit. The snark, humor, and sheer smarts it takes to pull off a chapter by chapter spoof is pretty incredible. I could have been bored by page 10 but I was not. I could not put this down. I read parts out loud to my husband (who is really proud of himself because he has spent MONTHS calling Katniss Catpiss–one of the names used to describe my beloved Mockingjay). I laughed out loud  when I saw him represented by Harvard Lampoon. So here is my endorsement: read it! We all need a little laughter lately! I know I do.  I am knee deep in Victorian literature and ecological feminist texts….anything for a great laugh! 

Rabbit says: Grades 9-12

Because of the jokes and the irreverent tone, I am going to say that this is for highschoolers. The publisher did not give a reading level but I will say at least 13+. I know highschoolers. I know their humor. They will get this and find it really funny. If you have younger readers just pick and choose what you read to them. Make their day by reading certain passages to them–be their standup comedian!

Caterpiller says: A Picture is worth a thousand words…. 

One simple question here: Why is satire such a powerful tool in the face of the worlds horrors? Why does it reach the human heart in ways that drama sometimes does not? Why do we laugh when we want to scream or cry? Thoughts? Paint the Roses RED!

Enjoy my Hunger Game Satire spoof 🙂